Hey there!
I'm Elena Zanfei!
I'm a simple person and a big dreamer.
A transplant from Italy, a transformation coach, interior decorator, friend, sister, and a zia (auntie) to 3 nieces, 4 nephews, and grand ones too (and now you know I'm not a spring chicken LOL).
I'm a tree hugger, everything hugger really, and nurturer at heart. If someone needs loving I run to the rescue.
I believe that everyone has a VISION of their ideal self and ideal life and our soul periodically reminds us of it.
So those lofty ideas are your soul's calling, and I love partnering with your soul to help you reach that vision!

I didn't always have this business, these dreams, the clients, the inspiration or aspiration...
In fact, I struggled for a big portion of my life and was mostly devoid of dreams and hope.
My life was harsh. It crushed me, my ability to exist, to find value in life. Heck, at one point I even wanted to check out but God had other plans for me. In the midst of the darkest hour, my prayer changed from letting me go to sending me help - and help came.
The answers began trickling in but not without me confronting lots of personal monsters and what felt like insurmountable fears.
I am now 180 degrees transformed, solid and resilient, and because I've overcome such an extreme, I know how to help others overcome anything they may be up against. After 35 years in the personal development industry and meeting thousands of people I realized that we all have a lot in common (especially us women). We all fear not being 'good enough,' and most of us struggle to see our actual worth. And I know that ALL too well!!

Whether it's feelings of inadequacy, inability to trust in yourself or life, fear of failure or success, or anything in-between, I CAN HELP you to finally experience your inner worth and power so you fulfill your soul's calling. THIS is why I do what I do.

I left no stone unturned in pursuit of my highest potential. I have invested over 1/4 million dollars in training, certifications, and self-education in pursuit of my healing and to discover my highest self. From programs like ISA (Institute for Self Actualization), Landmark Education, Tony Robbins seminars, Wayne Dyer, Quantum Physics, Law of Attraction, Energy work, and so much more. Year & years (35+ to be exact) of various pieces of training. My formal Life Coaching training was from CTI (Coaches Training Institute).
'Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development because success is something you attract by the person you become.'
Jim Rohn


I am successfully coaching clients throughout the country and facilitating their self-growth and have been doing so since 2000, over 20 years now. I have helped numerous high-achieving women overcome self-doubt and turn around their businesses, their professional life, their relationships, and overall quality of life. I assist them to discover their INNER WORTH. It gives me no greater joy than to see a woman (or man) finally recognize and own her inner beauty and strength and expressing her complete awesomeness.
If you have dreams but are finding them hard to reach because the
"I'm not enough" fear creeps in
If you doubt truly having "what it takes" to make your dreams a reality,
I'm here to help you change that and get your life back on track.
I will help you gain clarity, get to know yourself at a core level, develop self-motivation, and deepen your self-love and self-expression.
You will come to know what an amazing and awesome being God created in you in a short period of time.
When you genuinely GET how preciously powerful you are, you will step into experiencing an 'AWE' inspired life and OWN your success on all levels.


Who I AM
A person that has experienced the transformation from painfully stuck in ego, to living primarily from my heart for my own benefit and for the benefit of others. What I strongly believe in this world is that we all need to be part of the global change we seek – we each must elevate ourselves in order to rise to the needs of the whole. Through our own love, we create more love.

The THREE Biggest Challenges of My Life
Surviving 28 years of abuse and learning to forgive and love
Overcoming the devastation of a broken marriage
Rebounding from the loss of my 17-year relationship, my home, my 3 dogs, my security, and my mother within a span of 6 months.
My Mission
To help every woman know that she is far more than what she may have been conditioned to believe about herself. Through nurturing and guidance, she will discover her true greatness and use it to create her dreams.

What I Consider to be my Best Wisdom & Knowledge
The 35+ years I have invested in my personal development and evolution and the 180-degree transformation I have realized as a result.

What's Happening in the World that Angers Me
The staggering number of teenage suicide, children bullying other children, parents not present to their kids, people giving up on their dreams. The amount of unrealized potential, and how many have just resigned to 'what is' in lieu of their dreams. The feeling of 'what's the use' is painfully reverberating on the planet. The disconnectedness created by the ego separates most from their soul and keeps them from realizing their true essence.
The Movement I wish to create
To empower all women to wholeness, authenticity and personal awesomeness where they are able to naturally, completely and freely express love towards themselves and all others creating a beautiful ripple effect on our planet.

My Ideal Client's Most Challenging Problems
Their life is unfulfilled. They doubt themselves and wonder why they continually run up against their fears and limitations that keep their life from being what they had dreamed it could be. They are sick and tired of tolerating their pain, dissatisfaction, and frustrations. They are ready to do the work to make their life a masterpiece beginning with themselves.

My Ideal Client's results after working with me
Their belief systems support them in having their best life where they get to be authentic, feel empowered, and self-loving with the joy and spontaneity that real confidence brings. From this place, their choices and actions create the life and success they have been dreaming of.

If I could change ONE thing in this world before I transition.....
it would be to elevate the collective consciousness so that we all know and feel that we are all connected, that we all matter and that love changes everything.